
The 4th International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Economics, Management and Business (4th CIEMB 2021) will be organized by National Economics University in Hanoi, Vietnam. The aim of the conference is to create a forum for scholars from different academic fields of economics, business and management to exchange and present their research. The conference will provide a platform for debates on contemporary issues of aforementioned fields, supporting strategies to stimulate sustainable worldwide growth and development.

ISI and SCOPUS Indexed Allied Journals Publication Opportunity

All full papers will be issued in the conference proceedings with ISBN.

Selected papers from the conference will have chances to be published in our following allied ISI and SCOPUS indexed journal publications:

  • Resources Policy (SSCI – ISI): Special Issue on Volatility of Natural Resources Commodity Prices and Economic Performance in the Post Covid-19 Era: Implications for Promoting Green Sector
  • Journal of Economic Development (Scopus): with expedited editorial process.

Good papers will also have chances to be published in the Special Issue of Journal of Economics & Development (published by Emerald).

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Lisa Magnani, Head of Department of Economics, Macquarie University, Australia

Prof. Lisa Magnani, Head of Department of Economics, Macquarie University, Australia

She is Professor of Economics at Macquarie University, Sydney. Her education includes a Doctorate in Political Economy from the University of Bologna (1993) and a PhD in Economics from Yale University (1996). Her academic work has focused on understanding how capitalist economies create and retain jobs, support wages, promote good working conditions and pursue technological innovation in globalised settings. Over the years, she has developed an interdisciplinary research agenda centred on the exploration of the ways work conditions and labour market institutions impact societal resilience and ecological sustainability. Her current and past service roles in Australia include Head of the Department of Economics at Macquarie University, Macquarie University Business School Gender, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Vice-President (Academic) of the Economic Society of Australia-NSW Branch, Member of the Academic Reference Panel for Treasury’s Participation Modelling Project, Australian Federal Government.


Prof. Clifford J. Shultz, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, the US


Prof. Clifford J. Shultz, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, the US

He is Professor and Kellstadt Chair of Marketing in the Quinlan School of Business, at Loyola University Chicago. He received his Ph.D., M. Phil. and M.A. from Columbia University in the City of New York. He also has taught at the Columbia University Graduate Business School, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, Swedish School of Economics, University of Western Australia, University of Munich. He has expertise on marketing, policy, and sustainable development in transforming economies, particularly the transitioning/recovering economies of Southeast Asia, the Balkans, Latin America and the Middle East. He is also Associate Editor of Journal of Macromarketing and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.


Mr. Francois Painchaud, IMF Resident Representative, Vietnam/Lao PDR

Mr. Francois Painchaud, IMF Resident Representative, Vietnam/Lao PDR


Francois joined the IMF in 2009 and was previously the IMF Resident Representative in Georgia. He worked on a number of countries, including Russia, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Pakistan, Senegal, and Myanmar. Francois holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics from the Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada.




Abel Duarte Alonso, Ph.D. RMIT University Australia

Invited Speaker: Abel Duarte Alonso, Ph.D, RMIT University, Australia

Abel D. Alonso earned his Ph.D. degree at Lincoln University, New Zealand, studying the nation’s wine industry and its linkages to international and domestic tourism. He extensively studied other aspects of the industry prior and thereafter, including involvement in exports, innovation, resilience, collaboration, tradition, and knowledge management, predominantly from micro and small wineries. Abel is passionate about conducting research on family, micro, small, and medium enterprises, and has done so in Australia, Argentina, Chile, Italy, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay. He has published many publications in high quality international journals on his areas


The 4th CIEMB 2021 will be held in Grand Convention Hall, A2 Building, National Economics University, 207 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Please see Venue for detailed information.


We welcome papers both theoretically and empirically on topics in any field of economics, management and business. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

EconomicsBusiness and Management
Agricultural and Natural Resources EconomicsAccounting and Auditing
Government FinanceTourism and Hospitality
Health EconomicsLeisure, Sport and Event Management
IndustrializationReal Estate and Land Management
Financial EconomicsHuman Resource Economics and Management
International EconomicsBusiness Information Systems
Labor EconomicsCommerce
Rural DevelopmentLeadership
Regional DevelopmentCost Management
Welfare EconomicsBusiness Performance Management
Sustainable DevelopmentBusiness Statistics
Energy EconomicsCommunications Management
Economic DevelopmentCorporate Finance
Environmental EconomicsOrganization Development
Law & EconomicsHuman Resources
MicroeconomicsInformation Systems
MacroeconomicsInformation Technology Management
Political EconomyInsurance
Tourism EconomicsInternational Finance and Trade
Emerging EconomicsOperations Management
Monetary and Fiscal PoliciesInnovation, Startups and Entrepreneurship
Applied EconometricsHuman Resources Management
Creative IndustriesManagement Information Systems
Resource Management
Finance & Investment


 Full submitted papers must be in English, not more than 10,000 words including references with title of the paper, authors’ names, e-mail addresses and affiliations. Prospective authors will submit their full papers to the email address: by September 10, 2021. Detailed instructions for formatting the paper are available on Submission Guidelines

Registration Fee

Please see Registration for detailed information.

Important Dates

Date Information
September 10, 2021 Deadline for Full Papers
October 01, 2021 Notification of Accepted Papers
October 5, 2021 Deadline for Early Bird Registration
October 15, 2021 Deadline for Regular Registration
November 11-12, 2021 Conference Dates