Professor Robin Mason, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the University of Birmingham, UK.

Professor Robin Mason joined the University of Birmingham (top 100 universities globally) in March 2016, as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) and Vice-President. Robin moved to Birmingham after seven years at the University of Exeter, where he was first Professor of Economics, then appointed Dean of the University’s Business School in 2011, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean in 2015. He had previously been the Eric Roll Professor of Economics and Head of Economics at the University of Southampton.Robin is a fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, and a decision-making Member of both the Competition and Markets Authority (formerly the Competition Commission) and the Financial Conduct Authority. He has acted as advisor to a number of regulators, in both the UK and internationally; to the Prime Minister of Mauritius on competition policy; and to a number of private-sector companies worldwide. He sits on the Accreditation Board of EQUIS, one of the two major international accreditation bodies for business schools.His academic research concentrates on how firms respond strategically to uncertainty; and, more broadly, the incentives faced by economic agents in situations when they have imperfect information about their environment.
Professor Dominic Barton, Global Managing Partner Emeritus of McKinsey & Company, Chancellor of the University of Waterloo, Canada.

Dominic is the Chancellor of the University of Waterloo, the Chair of the Canadian Minister of Finance’s Advisory Council on Economic Growth and the Chair of the Seoul International Business Advisory Council. He is also a Trustee of the Brookings Institution, a member of the Singapore Economic Development Board’s International Advisory Council, and a member of the boards of Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City and the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.He is one of the founders of FCLT Global (Focusing Capital on the Long Term), a non-profit organization dedicated to developing practical tools and approaches that encourage long-term behaviors in business and investment decision-making.Dominic has authored more than 80 articles. He is a coauthor, with Roberto Newell and Greg Wilson, of Dangerous Markets: Managing in Financial Crises (Wiley & Sons, 2002), the author of China Vignettes: An Inside Look at China (Talisman, 2007), a co-author, with Dezso Horvath and Matthias Kipping, of Re-Imagining Capitalism: Building a Responsible Long-Term Model (Oxford University Press, 2016) and a coauthor, with Ram Charan and Dennis Carey, of Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People First (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Dominic Barton was the Managing Director of McKinsey & Company from 2009 to 2018. Before becoming managing partner, Dominic served as McKinsey’s chairman in Asia from 2004 to 2009. He also headed McKinsey’s office in Korea from 2000 to 2004.
Professor Sarath Delpachitra, Managing Editor of the Australian Economic Papers.

Professor Sarath Delpachitra currently serves as Managing Editor of the Australian Economic Papers (which is SSCI listed with Ranked B in ABDC Listing) and the Chairman of the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP). He has previously served as the Director of the UTS Business School in Shanghai and the Deputy Dean of the Flinders Business School in Australia. He specialises in banking, economics and finance issues in Australasian region and has previously served in World Bank, Asian Development Bank, ILO and DEFAT as an International consultant. He has published extensively in refereed journals and professional publications and he was the recipient of Australian Government (Australia Future Unlimited) by granting him the Australian Alumni Excellence for Research & Innovation Award in 2013. He has also served as a senior executive in the General Treasury in Sri Lanka.
He has interacted with policy makers as a resource person in several Asian countries such as India, Vietnam, People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. He is also serving as the Managing Editor of the Australian Economic Papers; an internationally ranked journal in the field of economic and finance. He teaches applied finance and economics and economic reasoning for public policy and guided over 25 doctoral candidates for completion. His professional memberships include, a Fellow (Finance and Securities Institute of Australia –FinSia and a Fellow – CPA (Australia).
Professor Benyayer Louis-David, Affiliate Professor, ESCP-Europe.

Benyayer Louis-David is Affiliate Professor at ESCP-Europe, Paris Campus, where he is involved in the Entrepreneurship Chair, the Iot Chair and the Big Data chair.
Over the last 15 years, Loui-David developed a strategy consulting activity for corporations and SMEs. He participated in two startups and led a recovery plan for a bankrupt company. He co-founded Without Model, think tank dedicated to foster open, collaborative and responsible business models and coordinated the book Open Models, business model of the open economy. Co-author with Simon Chignard of Datanomics, les nouveaux business models des données, Louis-David is member of the expert networok of Etalab.
Louis-David’s area of expertise lies in business model, entrepreneurship and, strategic innovation. Louis-David’s current research interests focus on open business models, data driven strategies and organizational ambidexterity.
Professor Raynouard Arnaud, Vice-President, Paris-Dauphine University, France.

Raynouard Arnaud, tenured law professor at the Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris), and vice-president in charge of international affairs, has both an academic and a professional experience. He has clerked in Barrister’s Chambers (London) and for a French “avocat aux conseils”, French supreme Court lawyer (Cour de cassation), and as of-counsel for an international law firm (Simmons & Simmons).
Before majoring in both law (Université Paris 2) and management (finance, Université Paris-Dauphine) in Paris, and obtaining a PhD in law, he was educated in various countries (Australia; attending international schools (US) in South Korea and Lybia) and received a strongly international flavored education (becoming a Life scout in the process and playing American football as well as TaeKwondo!).
He has been in charge of international affairs, as vice-president of his university for the past seven years (Université Toulouse 1, and now Université Paris-Dauphine).
He heads a, unique in France, chronicle on US Supreme Court case law, and teaches, among other matters, comparative law & economics, and comparative EU/US competition law, european and international banking and financial law.
Professor Toshio Ogata, Professor Emeritus, Chuo University, Japan.

Professor Ogata is currently a Professor on the Faculty of Economics, Chuo University. Professor Ogata’s major publications include Global Warming and Economic Development [Chikyu Ondanka to Keizai Kaihatsu] (co-authored, The University of Tokyo); To Achieve the Welfare of Symbiotic Society [Koufuku na Kyosei Shakai wo Mezashite] (Hilltop Shuppan); Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability [Sekai no Ekobirejji:Jizoku Kanousei no Atarashii Fronthia] (co-translated, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha); Bioregionalims and Ecovillages: Green Economic Corridor and Intentional Community (edited, Hilltop Shuppan). Professor Ogata is also currently director of the Research Group on Environment and Economy at the Institute of Economic Research, Chuo University, a board member of the Japan CIRIEC, and a member of the editorial board of Journal of Post Keynesian Economics.