1. Manuscripts submitted to CIEMB must be original. To ensure impartiality and quality, all manuscripts submitted are subject to a blind peer-review process before they are accepted for publication.

2. Manuscripts must be in English and should be written using MS Word, with New Times Roman font, type size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The length should not be more than 10,000 words (inclusive of tables, figures, notes, references and appendices).

3. Manuscript must be in two separate documents:

  • Cover page with full details of the authors including: detail of the author’s institutional affiliation; full address and contact information, exact length of the manuscript, brief (2-3 lines) biographical description and any acknowledgement;
  • And manuscript without any author identification/name.

4. The manuscripts should begin with an indented and italicized abstract of around 100-200 words, describing the main arguments and conclusions of the article, and a list of 5-6 keywords in alphabetical order.

5. The title of the manuscripts should be bold and centred. Section heading should be bold, left justified and numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. First level heading (e.g 2.1) should be in italics and bold, and the second level subheading (e.g 2.1.1) should be in italics and not bold. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

6. Tables and figures should be numbered separately and sequentially using Arabic numerals. Each table and figure should be given an informative title.  Figures must be of high quality, of a good resolution and sharpness.

7. Refences: Citations in the text should use the Harvard system of short references (e.g Dunning, 2000, p.2; Smith, 2005a, 2005b). Endnotes should be kept to a minimum, indicated by superscript figures in the text, and placed at the end of the manuscript. Bibliographical list containing all the works referred to, in alphabetical order, to appear after the endnotes. For example:

  • Daly, J (2004), Theory A, Elsevier, Sydney;
  • Edwards, H (2003), ‘Export orientation in Southeast Asia’, Journal of Asian Economics, 42(6), 68-72.

8. Any manuscript that does not meet the above instructions may be returned to the author for the necessary revision before publication.

9. Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors agree to transfer the copyright of the manuscript, including abstract to CIEMB. The transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information, including, but not limited to, print and electronic modes of dissemination. Authors must declare any sponsorship or financial ties that may cause conflicts of interests.