Submission for the CIEMB

Prospective authors shall submit their full papers to the email address:

Full submitted papers must be in English with no more than 10,000 words of length, including references with title of the paper; authors’ names, e-mail addresses and affiliations.

Authors are required to commit that their papers represent original works and are previously unpublished elsewhere.

Simultaneous submission to any other conference, workshop or journal is strictly prohibited.

Please see Submission Guildlines for details.

Submission for the Journal of Economics & Development (JED)

Please indicate in the submission e-mail if you want to be considered for the Special Issue of the Journal of Economics & Development (JED).

Please see Submission Guildlines for details.

Important Dates

September 30th, 2018: Deadline for submitting full papers.

October 15th 2018: Notification of Accepted Papers.

Registration and Fee

Please see REGISTRATION for details.